Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cameron's a teenager !! - November 30th 2011

Our nephew Cameron (Tony's brother Mark's youngest), turned 13 today. Happy Birthday Cameron.
Also a belated birthday to his older brother Robert (16). We missed a blog post for October 20th. Sorry mate. Just your Uncle Tony being his normal organized self....not.

Cameron playing his STAGG Guitar. (Fantastic guitar BTW)

Happy Birthday Jen !! - November 26th 2011

Pictured with brother Scott

Jen's Birthday today. Unfortunately she was working all day and studying the rest of the week-end so we didn't get a chance to go out and celebrate. After school finishes in 3 weeks we'll make up for lost time!!

Xmas Lights - November 25th 2011

Our House

With Jen working for a couple of days, Tony took the opportunity to put up the outside lights. Not bad & the first on the street to do so. Obviously set the standard for the neighbours to follow.

Thanksgiving - November 24th 2011

Thanksgiving is a huge holiday in America, and always take place on the 4th Thursday of November. We went over to Jen's Mom & Dad's in Anaheim Hills, and were joined by Ken's brother (& family), Jen's girlfriend Myle (& crew) & Jen's brother Scott.

From left (Clockwise) - Kevin Bue, Myle Phan, Jen, Dave Pruzinsky, Ken, Pat Pruzinsky, 
Jim Pruzinsky, Scott, Mary Ellen

Sorry for the picture quality (taken on a cell phone). We'll post some more pics once we get a chance to download onto the computer

Always nice to have a great meal, good wine & a four day week-end .

Brit Meet Up/ Karaoke - November 18th 2011

Tonight was the monthly Brit Meet Up with our British Ex Pat friends in Temecula. Tony went solo as it was on a Friday night, and Jen wasn't back from Orange County yet. Still - It didn't stop him having a good time and the hosts (Paul & Sharon Little) had a Karaoke machine.
The pics below were taken by our resident pro photographer Patrick.
"You've lost that loving feeling" sung by:
Patrick Shelton & Tony, with Dawn Deniz looking on

Tony pictured with the ladies - Geraldine Shelton & Margaret Rhydderich

Tony gets his Permanent Residency - November 14th 2011

Tony today received his Permanent Residency in the USA. This is the Official Green Card which replaces the conditional (2 year) Green Card. This means he is now good for another 10 years. Yeaahhhh!