Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jen & Jenny's Reunion - March 24th 2011

Jenny Stone (Vellegas) & Jen

Jen & Jenny were best friends growing up.  They were quite inseparable from first through eighth grade (about age 5-13) and they sadly lost touch when they attended different high schools.  Thankfully with the help of Facebook, Jenny found Jen and suggested a reunion.  That day could not come fast enough.  Their meeting at Starbucks was filled with tons of laughter, happy childhood memories, and long stares at each other marveling at how each had morphed into the women they are today.  Another exciting meeting is planned for next week as they both feel a void in their lives has been filled. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Erica's Baby Shower - March 12th 2011

Erica Heying, Jen & Yvonne Dietrich

Jen has been best friends with Erica & Yvonne since High School. They were both Bridesmaids at our wedding & Erica was pregnant with Baby #1 (Shane) at our wedding. Well #2 is almost here now, and it is tradition over here to throw a baby shower for Mom to be. This is where all the girlfriends get together, give mom to be a bunch of prezzies, play some games, pig out and celebrate.

Erica with boyfriend Chris Robinson

Yvonne & Jen playing "who can diaper a stuffed animal the fastest"

Yvonne has 2 kids already so I guess her experience made her the winner in the above challenge !!
The Baby Shower took place outside Erica's home in Costa Mesa, CA.

Sadie's DNA Results !!

Wow - Who would have thought 25% Afghan Hound? - 50% Australian Shepherd & 25% mystery mutt.
Definitely one of a kind, and perfect for us!

An Introduction to our 4 legged friends

Pictured left to right - Ollie, Sadie & Psych hanging out

Ollie is the old man of the clan. Now about 14 years old Jen found him as a kitten in Santa Ana roaming around a dumpster looking for food. He was ridden with fleas. Of course, Jen had to rescue him and here we are ! We think he is a Siamese or Burmese mix.

Ollie has this thing for shoes. The smellier the better. He just loves lying on Tony's shoes or Flip Flops. If you ever lose your shoes - just look under the cat ! - He is super social, loves to walk all over you when you are lying down watching the TV, and wakes Tony up every morning at 6am by licking his face asking for his breakfast. Ollie is known for his red scarf he wears, and is everyone's buddy (including Sadie)

Sadie as a puppy at 8 weeks

Sadie is 2 years old, and we got her from the Adoption Center at Petsmart in Moreno Valley, CA.
As you can see who could resist a puppy like her ! - She was smaller than the cats when we got her and now weighs about 50lbs. They told us she was a Chow/ German Shepherd mix, but no blue tongue so we were not convinced. Everyone asks us what she is so we tell them 100% dog. Anyhow, Tony finally gave in to Jen's curiosity and bought her a Doggie DNA kit for her birthday last year. We will post the results on the blog so watch this space !

Although we are totally biased, Sadie is an awesome dog. She went through Beginner & Intermediate training, and is very well behaved. See some of her tricks on the video clip above. She is the biggest love bug, and will be all over anyone who shows her any attention or who makes the effort to play with her.

Psych & Ollie spooning at the back door

Psych (short for Psycho) is the coolest cat. Jen rescued him from the Corona Animal shelter & he is now 7 years old. He is also a Siamese mix.We named him Psych because as a kitten he was insane. He would hide under the sofa and come out and attack your feet, climb up your legs, run around at 100mph, steel your food (watermelon??) from the table, amongst other stuff. However after he was de-clawed (all our cats are indoor) he mellowed out, and is now totally laid back. He is always cold & wanting to get under the covers. As you can see he plays Ukulele.

and Drums !

Lastly, there is Chloe. She is 4 and Jen rescued her (is there a pattern emerging here?) from a friend in Costa Mesa. Chloe likes to do things on her terms and is not as social as Ollie or Psych. She loves attention, and to be brushed, and is definitely a Mommy's cat. Chloe doesn't care for Sadie very much, but she does get on well with the other two.