Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Breakfast at Annie's Cafe - October 30th 2011

Annie's Cafe is THE place to go for breakfast in Lake Elsinore. It is actually run by Brits (Jan & Kevin) and aside from serving great food, they entertain you while you eat with periodic dances, singing & silly hats if it is your first visit! - Jan's personality makes it, and the locals love her. Today the staff were all dressed up for Halloween. Sorry no pics :(
We met friends of ours Fay & Ed at 8.30am. If you are there after 9.00am on the week-end there is a line out the door - very popular. Below is a clip we found on You Tube which gives you the idea. The owner is in black and doing the high kicks!

Pictures from Tony's Travels - October 26th & 27th 2011

This week Tony was traveling his normal territory in Southern California but stopped to take a couple of pictures on his way. On Wednesday he was way out in the desert in El Centro & Calexico. Heading back towards Palm Desert he drove alongside the coast of the Salton Sea.

The Salton Sea from Highway 111

From Calexico to Palm Desert

On Thursday he was in South Orange County and took Ortega Highway (74) back through the mountains to Lake Elsinore. It is a nice drive during the daytime and you get a great view of Lake Elsinore on the way down.

Lake Elsinore from Ortega Highway

San Clemente to Home via Ortega Highway

Ollie & Psych getting friendly - 24th October 2011

For you cat lovers out there you will appreciate this. As you can see Ollie has recovered well from his recent surgery and is best buds once again with everyone. Enjoy !!

Jen finishes top of the class - 14th October 2011

Jen finished the first half of her first semester today and Tony is proud to announce that she finished top of the class (about 50 students) with an A (94%).
On Monday she starts Medical Surgery for the next 9 weeks which will take her up to mid December.
With less homework to do this week-end we actually took a day out and went to Palm Springs for some R&R.

Friday, October 7, 2011

September Catch Up - 2011

Ooops!! - We haven't got to post for a while. Sorry about that. Actually we had a quiet September with Jen diving into nursing school. It is taking up a lot of her time (80 hours plus per week) so the social life has taken a back seat. Still here are some late August/ September highlights.

Pete & Andrea with Jen

August 27th - 
Peter went to school with Jen's brother Scott. Jen & him have been friends for years. Recently Pete got married in Hawaii to Andrea, so his parents threw him a reception back at their place. Tony couldn't make it, but Jen went along with her Mom & Dad.

Jen & Dad - Ken

Other misc. September highlights below:

We need to brush Sadie more often !!

Jen with Nursing school colleague's (& friends) Sue & Shelby

FYI - Jen is doing great at school. Grades so far in the 90% plus range. Keep it going Jen!

Happy Belated Birthday Mum!
September 19th.  - Next year is a biggie

Brit Meet Up night - September 24th
Tony's bum pictured with Jacqui Montana & Kate's Purse

We all went to the Barley & Hops Irish pub in Temecula. Had some grub & a few pints. We are really pleased we joined this group. A great bunch of people.

Curry Night at Mantra Temecula
October 1st 2011

It's hard to find a good curry place in America, but a new restaurant just opened in Temecula called Mantra. Tony met some friends here tonight & despite the slow service, the food was very good. Will definitely go back.