Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A trip up the Central Coast - Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th April 2012

As well as working as National Sales Manager, Tony also has his own territory managing Southern California & Las Vegas Nevada. This means he gets to travel up the Central Coast once every couple of months. It's a beautiful drive once you get out of Los Angeles and reach Ventura. This week he went on a manic three day schedule from Home to Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Templeton, Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay & then across to the central valley to Bakersfield. Then on to Lancaster in the desert before meeting up with Jen for the night in Anaheim Hills.

On Monday night he stayed in Grover Beach & went to a restaurant called AJ Spurs for dinner. Americans like big portions but this is ridiculous!! You start off with the complimentary Chili Soup followed by a full size salad, before your entree comes out. That comes with a skillet of fried potatoes & garlic bread. Then for desert some ice cream. Seriously - You could feed a family of four with one portion. It's good but no way one person can eat all that. Still he gave it his best shot and washed it down with a beer.

A well deserved Shock Top - It was a full glass btw

Aaaaahhhhhhh !!!

Happy Birthday Scott - Thursday 12th April 2012

Today was Scott's Birthday. 41 years old. He has about 8 months on Tony. Thought we would post a picture of Scott that was taken at the NAMM Music show back in January. 
Scott is a very happy man at this particular moment !!


Happy Easter! - Sunday 8th April 2012

We had a very quiet Easter week-end. Jen's folks headed off to Arizona to see Ken's brother. Jen & I stayed behind due to our schedule's being too busy with Tony getting back late on Thursday night & Jen having to study hard for her Nursing tests she has every Monday. Jen's brother Scott came over for the afternoon so it was just the three of us. A nice meal and some good wine! - Perfect.

Tony's off to Nashville - Monday 2nd - Thursday 5th April 2012

Tony needed to make a last minute trip to Nashville this week. His headquarters are based just outside of Nashville in La Vergne. A few changes going on at work, so he needed to meet Senior Management from Belgium. Basically more responsibility & more work coming his way!!. He made the drive from home to LAX (Los Angeles) early Monday morning, and got a direct flight arriving early evening. A nice dinner out on Monday evening followed by a full day of meetings on Tuesday, rep training on Wednesday and more meetings on Thursday. Flight back Thursday night arriving back just before midnight.
Thankfully with Easter being this week-end he got 3 days off :)
Home to LAX to Nashville, TN

Oak Mountain Winery, Temecula - Sunday 1st April 2012

We live about 20 minutes north of  Temecula which is the major wine region in Southern California.
There are over 30 wineries to visit, and today we met at Oak Mountain winery with some friends for an afternoon of good wine, good music & good company. After the winery we went back to Gary & Jacqui's house for the evening which ultimately ended up in some more grub, wine and a game of pool. Pictures below:

Gary Montana

Jacqui Montana & Jen

Chloe Montana

Scott Montana

Margaret Rhydderch

Jen & Gail Jenkin

Gerry Ryhdderch

Gary Montana & Jen

The Vineyards of Oak Mountain Winery - Temecula

Gail & Michael Jenkin

Tony & Jen

A Game of Pool

St. Patrick's Day - Saturday 17th March 2012

Apologies for not posting for a few months. Just got out of the habit & now will do our best to get back "in the groove" :)
17th March was St. Patrick's Day and being on a Saturday this year we got together with our Brit friends for a good drinking session. Although non of us were Irish we did our best to look the part. Pictures below:
Kate Hancock

Richard Deniz

Ed & Fay Hasnip

Dawn Deniz

Gerry Rhydderch & Jen

Margaret Rhydderch & Jen

Tony & Jen

We were also extremely impressed with Jacqui Montana's version of the Riverdance. Believe it or not she was completely sober doing this!!