Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jen in Phoenix - April 22nd - April 25th 2011

Jen's Uncle & Aunt - Dave & Pat Pruzinsky invited us to their house in Phoenix, Arizona for Easter week-end. Tony could not make it, but Jen made the trip with her Mom & Dad & brother Scott. 
It was great for Jen to have some family time, and she also got to hang out with her cousin Jimmy who still  lives in Phoenix. 
Jimmy, Scott & Jen's Dad Ken all enjoy shooting, so they made the most of the opportunity and went into the desert to do some target shooting. Jen & her mom also went along to have some fun.
Jen meaning business!

Don't mess with this guy ! - Jens Dad

A good time was had by all. Pat made a wonderful Easter Dinner, and after a trip to Prescott Jen arrived home on Monday evening.

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