Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Paul Navidad's 40th @ Angels Stadium - 7th July 2011

Jen & Paul have been friends since they were kids. Paul actually went to school with Jen's brother Scott. He is now a professional musician playing Sax, Clarinet & Piano among other instruments. It was Paul's band who played at our wedding.
Today was Paul's 40th !! - He is a HUGE Los Angeles Angels Baseball fan, so his friend Gail organized a pre-game party at JT Schmid's in Anaheim for drinks & food before we all headed to Angels Stadium to see them beat the Seattle Mariners 5-1. Afterwards we went back to the bar for a drink & dessert before heading home.
Angels tickets & the cap they gave out to everyone at the game

The birthday boy with Jen

Angels Stadium

Paul's friends & family

Independence Day - July 4th 2011

This year we went over to Jen's Mom & Dad's house in Anaheim Hills. Jen's girlfriend Myle, celebrated her birthday this week-end also so she came over with her boyfriend Kevin & son Brandon. Another of Jen's girlfriends Jenny Stone also came over with her kids. Jen & Jenny have recently re-united after losing touch for over 20 years. However Jenny's husband has just got work in Colorado so the family is moving over the coming weeks. This was a good excuse to get together before they leave. We had tri-tip & sausages on the grill, along with a ton of other food. (Myle always brings some great Vietnamese stuff). Drinks were in the cooler and music was on. A nice relaxing afternoon/evening.

Jenny in the pool with kids Falyn (4) & Braden (6)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tony gets "The Boot" - June 28th 2011

Thankfully not from Work or Jen !!

No - Today was his appointment with the surgeon post surgery, and his cast was finally cut off, and he was put in a walking boot. Now he can put weight on his foot, and needs to regain the strength lost over the last 5 1/2 weeks. At least he can now ditch the crutches and get his hands & foot back again !!
Tony needs to do daily exercises on the foot, and go for Physical Therapy 3x per week for the next 4 weeks. Next appointment with the doc is end of July.

From this...

To this...

A Busy Birthday Week - June 26th, 27th & 30th

We are notoriously bad at getting Birthday cards out on time, so thought we would at least acknowledge some Birthdays this week on the blog !

Jake Graham - Tony's youngest - 11 Years old on June 26th

Samuel Ward (Our youngest nephew) turned 1 on June 27th

Ken Pruzinsky (Jen's Dad) turned 72 on June 30th


Margaret & Gerry's 50th Wedding Anniversary - June 25th 2011

Through Tony's Brit Meet Up Group we have met some wonderful friends. Margaret & Gerry Rhydderch are two of them, and today they invited us to celebrate with them, their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Oak Mountain Winery in Temecula. There were about 40 people present in a beautiful setting, and we were treated to a fabulous meal, and open bar. Afterwards we all went back to Margaret & Gerry's house for more nibbles & drink before leaving in the early hours. 
We spent the night at Gary & Jacqui's nearby and finally got to bed at around 5.00am. After getting a few hours sleep, Jacqui cooked  breakfast for us - Cinnamon Rolls...MMmmmm. Sunday ended up being a VERY lazy day !!
Some pictures of our friends below:
Margaret & Gerry 
Gary & Jacqui Montana
Kate Hancock & Jen

Geraldine & Patrick Shelton

Ed & Fay Hasnip

Tony in Vegas - June 13th-17th 2011

This week Tony had to (darn) go to Las Vegas for a Trade Show at Caesars Palace. Still on crutches and loaded with Sudocrem for his sore armpits he manned up and hobbled across the street in 100 degree temps from the Imperial Palace to Caesars. Tony did the show with a colleague from Nashville and thankfully it was a small convention which allowed him to sit most of the time. He still had some fun time, but unfortunately did not come back any richer   :(

Happy Fathers Day - June 19th 2011

We haven't got to post for a while - Sorry about that ! - However Sunday 19th June was Fathers Day. Tony got an E-Mail from Josh & Jake this morning, and had a Skype conversation with the two boys which made his day !
We ended up driving over to Anaheim Hills to spend the day with Jen's Dad Ken. Just a real chilled day, with some great food (steaks on the grill) & company. Some pictures below.
Mom, Dad, Scott & Jen

Dad & "Kids"