Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Independence Day - July 4th 2011

This year we went over to Jen's Mom & Dad's house in Anaheim Hills. Jen's girlfriend Myle, celebrated her birthday this week-end also so she came over with her boyfriend Kevin & son Brandon. Another of Jen's girlfriends Jenny Stone also came over with her kids. Jen & Jenny have recently re-united after losing touch for over 20 years. However Jenny's husband has just got work in Colorado so the family is moving over the coming weeks. This was a good excuse to get together before they leave. We had tri-tip & sausages on the grill, along with a ton of other food. (Myle always brings some great Vietnamese stuff). Drinks were in the cooler and music was on. A nice relaxing afternoon/evening.

Jenny in the pool with kids Falyn (4) & Braden (6)

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