Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, August 20, 2011

An evening with Gary & Jacqui - August 13th 2011

Gary & Jacqui are two of our British friends from the meet up group Tony belongs to. We met up this evening for a meal in Temecula at the Yard House, and then went back to their house. Jen & Jacqui had a girly chin wag around the fire pit, while Gary challenged Tony to a game of pool.

Gary has never won a pool tournament on his home table and last time he & Tony played, the score was 5-3 to Tony. This time, Gary won frame 1, before Tony won the next 4 to take a 4-1 lead. Gary pulled back to 4-4 and then in true Steve Davis/ Dennis Taylor fashion  it went down to the final black. Tony has to admit it - he choked on the black not once but 3 times, and Gary cleaned up. His first victory 5-4.

Look at the smirk on his face !

This picture is going to be framed and put up his pool table room. At least he agreed to put Tony's victory picture from before up as well. Next time Gary......Next time mate...

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