Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Friday, October 7, 2011

September Catch Up - 2011

Ooops!! - We haven't got to post for a while. Sorry about that. Actually we had a quiet September with Jen diving into nursing school. It is taking up a lot of her time (80 hours plus per week) so the social life has taken a back seat. Still here are some late August/ September highlights.

Pete & Andrea with Jen

August 27th - 
Peter went to school with Jen's brother Scott. Jen & him have been friends for years. Recently Pete got married in Hawaii to Andrea, so his parents threw him a reception back at their place. Tony couldn't make it, but Jen went along with her Mom & Dad.

Jen & Dad - Ken

Other misc. September highlights below:

We need to brush Sadie more often !!

Jen with Nursing school colleague's (& friends) Sue & Shelby

FYI - Jen is doing great at school. Grades so far in the 90% plus range. Keep it going Jen!

Happy Belated Birthday Mum!
September 19th.  - Next year is a biggie

Brit Meet Up night - September 24th
Tony's bum pictured with Jacqui Montana & Kate's Purse

We all went to the Barley & Hops Irish pub in Temecula. Had some grub & a few pints. We are really pleased we joined this group. A great bunch of people.

Curry Night at Mantra Temecula
October 1st 2011

It's hard to find a good curry place in America, but a new restaurant just opened in Temecula called Mantra. Tony met some friends here tonight & despite the slow service, the food was very good. Will definitely go back.

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