Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Margaret & Gerry's 50th Wedding Anniversary - June 25th 2011

Through Tony's Brit Meet Up Group we have met some wonderful friends. Margaret & Gerry Rhydderch are two of them, and today they invited us to celebrate with them, their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Oak Mountain Winery in Temecula. There were about 40 people present in a beautiful setting, and we were treated to a fabulous meal, and open bar. Afterwards we all went back to Margaret & Gerry's house for more nibbles & drink before leaving in the early hours. 
We spent the night at Gary & Jacqui's nearby and finally got to bed at around 5.00am. After getting a few hours sleep, Jacqui cooked  breakfast for us - Cinnamon Rolls...MMmmmm. Sunday ended up being a VERY lazy day !!
Some pictures of our friends below:
Margaret & Gerry 
Gary & Jacqui Montana
Kate Hancock & Jen

Geraldine & Patrick Shelton

Ed & Fay Hasnip

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