Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tony goes to Colorado - August 24th- 26th 2011

Home/ Ontario Airport/ Denver/ Colorado Springs/ Fort Collins

Tony has a new rep who started a couple of months ago covering the Rocky Mountain states. Due to Tony's injury he hasn't been able to travel out sooner, but this week he flew out to Denver in Colorado and travelled around the Denver/ Colorado Springs/ Fort Collins area. Colorado is a beautiful state and one worth visiting (especially if you like winter sports!)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Robbie Keane signs for the LA Galaxy - August 20th 2011

Keane with other star players Landon Donovan & Becks.

OK - Not directly related to our life in America, but when you don't have much to shout about from a football stance over here, its nice to see another European signing for the LA Galaxy. Hopefully he will be a great addition to the team. Debut tonight against San Jose.
BTW - Well done Luton Town - Noticed we won 5-1 against Southport. Win the game in hand and we go top. - like you care...

Happy Birthday Deb - August 16th 2011

Deb pictured with Jen last Xmas

Deb is Tony's sister in law (married to Tony's brother Mark). It is her birthday today and the card is in the mail ...honestly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!

Jen starts Nursing School - August 15th 2011

Jen got accepted into the RN Nursing Program at Cerritos College in Los Angeles. She has always wanted to finish the program and finally now has her chance. It means staying in Orange County during the week at Mom & Dad's due to the distance & traffic, but once done she will have an excellent future ahead of her. It is a 2 year/ 4 semester program finishing in May 2013.
Lots of hard work ahead, but the reward at the end is worth it.

First day in uniform
By the pool at Mom & Dads with Sadie

An evening with Gary & Jacqui - August 13th 2011

Gary & Jacqui are two of our British friends from the meet up group Tony belongs to. We met up this evening for a meal in Temecula at the Yard House, and then went back to their house. Jen & Jacqui had a girly chin wag around the fire pit, while Gary challenged Tony to a game of pool.

Gary has never won a pool tournament on his home table and last time he & Tony played, the score was 5-3 to Tony. This time, Gary won frame 1, before Tony won the next 4 to take a 4-1 lead. Gary pulled back to 4-4 and then in true Steve Davis/ Dennis Taylor fashion  it went down to the final black. Tony has to admit it - he choked on the black not once but 3 times, and Gary cleaned up. His first victory 5-4.

Look at the smirk on his face !

This picture is going to be framed and put up his pool table room. At least he agreed to put Tony's victory picture from before up as well. Next time Gary......Next time mate...

Ron's Retirement get together - August 7th 2011

Ron & Judy live next door to us. Ron has worked for the same air conditioning company for over 30 years and he just turned 65. He decided to retire and asked us to join them and some of their family for a meal at   Tap's Brewery in Corona. We had a very nice evening with good company, good food and good champagne!

Judy & Ron

Complete with cake - Boat themed!

Ron is looking at buying a boat. He lived on one for a while a few years back and now wants to get another. He has promised to take us out on the lake as soon as the deal is done.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ollie's Surgery & Back Home - August 6th/7th 2011

Our little dude made it through surgery on Saturday morning, and was ready for going home by Sunday afternoon. As you can see from the picture, they had to shave his back 1/4 for the surgery and you can see his staples. We have him on pain medication and antibiotics for the next 7 days, and he needs to be isolated, so the downstairs restroom is Ollie's home for the next 2 weeks. Thankfully the pain medication sedates him a lot, so he wont go nuts in a confined space. We also have a lampshade style collar for him to stop him pulling out the staples.

Poor little guy - Thankfully he has a life left!

Orange County Fair, Costa Mesa - August 5th 2011

While we were in Fountain Valley, we decided to head over to the Orange County Fair for the evening. It is close by in Costa Mesa, and happens every year in July/August. It is packed with fairground rides, food & drink stands, music stages, retail booths etc etc. Always a good excuse to go and eat all the foods that are bad for you! Tonight our friend Paul was playing sax on one of the main stages with a Bruce Springsteen tribute band. We watched for a while and then just walked around having fun.

Tony eating a Turkey leg!!

Ollie breaks his leg - August 5th 2011

Just after midnight Ollie tried jumping up onto our night stand (bed side table in English!) & missed. Tony heard it happen but did not see it, but it was clear that he had broken his leg. At 13 years old he is not as agile as he once was. Of course these things always happen after regular vet hours, so Tony met Jen in Corona (Jen was in Orange County at the time)  at a 24 hour vet. They took X rays and yes a confirmed break in the lower back leg. Actually in an awkward spot, that requires surgery. We left him overnight at the vet for close monitoring, and waited anxiously for a call the next day once they had a chance to talk to an Orthopedic surgeon.
As it happens the surgeon was out of town so we ended up taking Ollie to a specialist Orthopedic place in Fountain Valley. The vet there was fantastic and he gave us 3 options.
1 - Try a complicated repair to the leg with pinning. Very expensive, no guarantee of success and a 8 week recovery for Ollie.
2 - Amputate the leg - Less expensive and a 2 week recovery
3 - Put him down

We couldn't put him down for a broken leg, so ended up deciding to amputate. He is booked in for surgery tomorrow!
Ollie with cast en-route to the 2nd Vet.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Jimmy ! - 3 years old, July 29th 2011

Jimmy with his cousin Josh

Jimmy is Tony's sister Lynn's eldest. 3 years old on July 29th. Happy belated birthday Jimmy! Hope you had a good one. Love Uncle Tony & Auntie Jen.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tony's Injury Update - July 28th 2011

Tony had another post op appointment with the surgeon today. The foot is doing well as far as motion but still quite weak as far as strength. This is normal and he is only 2 months in to a 6 month recovery. He can now lose the boot and wear a normal shoe, and continue his Physical Therapy exercises at home. He can also do some cardio but no running.  2 months now to the next appointment.

Happy 2nd Anniversary to us - July 25th 2011

2 years ago !! - Fantastic Day

We both took the day off work, and actually just chilled out at home. Jen is due to start Nursing school on August 15th so we have a lot to sort out before she starts. Having a couple of days off really helps!

Tony at Summer NAMM - Nashville, TN - July 19th to 24th 2011

This week was the Summer NAMM show (National Association of Music Merchants). It is held every year at the Convention Center in Nashville,  Tennessee. Although much smaller than the Winter show in Anaheim, CA it is still a major show in the Music Industry. Nashville is a great city and the home of Country Music. It is also where Tony's company is based so is a local show for them. Tony flew out on Tuesday from San Diego, helped set up the booth on Wednesday, had a Sales meeting with his reps Wednesday evening and the show ran from Thurs - Sat inclusive, with break down on Saturday night. He then flew back on Sunday. Long days but fun to see everyone, and always a good social life.

Home to San Diego to Nashville 

Nashville Convention Center
The "Honky Tonks" on Broadway

Wine Tasting Afternoon with the Brits - July 10th 2011

This afternoon we went back to Oak Mountain Winery in Temecula for a nice relaxing afternoon with our British friends. You can bring your own nibbles with you, and wash it down with some great vino.
After closing we back to Kate's house close by, for a couple more before heading back home
Ed likes his wine