Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ollie breaks his leg - August 5th 2011

Just after midnight Ollie tried jumping up onto our night stand (bed side table in English!) & missed. Tony heard it happen but did not see it, but it was clear that he had broken his leg. At 13 years old he is not as agile as he once was. Of course these things always happen after regular vet hours, so Tony met Jen in Corona (Jen was in Orange County at the time)  at a 24 hour vet. They took X rays and yes a confirmed break in the lower back leg. Actually in an awkward spot, that requires surgery. We left him overnight at the vet for close monitoring, and waited anxiously for a call the next day once they had a chance to talk to an Orthopedic surgeon.
As it happens the surgeon was out of town so we ended up taking Ollie to a specialist Orthopedic place in Fountain Valley. The vet there was fantastic and he gave us 3 options.
1 - Try a complicated repair to the leg with pinning. Very expensive, no guarantee of success and a 8 week recovery for Ollie.
2 - Amputate the leg - Less expensive and a 2 week recovery
3 - Put him down

We couldn't put him down for a broken leg, so ended up deciding to amputate. He is booked in for surgery tomorrow!
Ollie with cast en-route to the 2nd Vet.

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