Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, April 28, 2012

St. Patrick's Day - Saturday 17th March 2012

Apologies for not posting for a few months. Just got out of the habit & now will do our best to get back "in the groove" :)
17th March was St. Patrick's Day and being on a Saturday this year we got together with our Brit friends for a good drinking session. Although non of us were Irish we did our best to look the part. Pictures below:
Kate Hancock

Richard Deniz

Ed & Fay Hasnip

Dawn Deniz

Gerry Rhydderch & Jen

Margaret Rhydderch & Jen

Tony & Jen

We were also extremely impressed with Jacqui Montana's version of the Riverdance. Believe it or not she was completely sober doing this!!


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