Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A trip up the Central Coast - Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th April 2012

As well as working as National Sales Manager, Tony also has his own territory managing Southern California & Las Vegas Nevada. This means he gets to travel up the Central Coast once every couple of months. It's a beautiful drive once you get out of Los Angeles and reach Ventura. This week he went on a manic three day schedule from Home to Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Templeton, Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay & then across to the central valley to Bakersfield. Then on to Lancaster in the desert before meeting up with Jen for the night in Anaheim Hills.

On Monday night he stayed in Grover Beach & went to a restaurant called AJ Spurs for dinner. Americans like big portions but this is ridiculous!! You start off with the complimentary Chili Soup followed by a full size salad, before your entree comes out. That comes with a skillet of fried potatoes & garlic bread. Then for desert some ice cream. Seriously - You could feed a family of four with one portion. It's good but no way one person can eat all that. Still he gave it his best shot and washed it down with a beer.

A well deserved Shock Top - It was a full glass btw

Aaaaahhhhhhh !!!

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