Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brit Meet Up @ Fay & Ed's - April 16th 2011

Just over a year ago Tony joined a British Ex-Pats Meet Up group in Temecula. This is done through & is a great way of meeting new people who have similar interests. It has helped us make some wonderful friends, and we get together for an official "Meet Up" once a month at a members house. The group covers all ages from mid 20's to mid 70's & everyone gets along. It gives us all a chance to catch up on English humour & have an intelligent conversation about "real" football! From this we have had many other nights out as couples, men only, women only, wine tasting etc etc and has helped us increase our social circle in the Inland Empire where we live.
This month we met at Fay & Ed Hasnip's home in Lake Elsinore. Fay & Ed both work for Fresh & Easy (Tesco's American branch) & they always put on a wonderful spread. Fay had an Easter theme going & even had a pinata for the kids. Jen made a curry & we arrived wine in hand along with Steve & Suzanne & the girls for a great night. A few of our friends are pictured below.

Kate Hancock (Group Organizer) & Margaret Rhydderch

Gerry Rhydderch

Patrick & Geraldine Shelton

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