Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kathy's Birthday at Cowboy Country - April 2nd 2011

Jen has always enjoyed Country Music & used to go to the local Country Bars on a regular basis to line dance & learn all the other dances they do over here!  She met Kathy & Virginia a few years back & they always try to get together when its someone's birthday. This time was Kathy's turn so we drove to Cowboy Country in Long Beach, CA. There is always a live band, & this time the band was quite traditional country but very good all the same. See video clip below. The sound is not great on the camera but you get the idea!

Kathy Littleton (Birthday Girl), Tony & Jen

For everyone back in England - Yes Americans do actually wear cowboy hats to country bars plus Wrangler jeans & big belt buckle's - not to mention cowboy boots. AND they take the dancing very seriously. Jen is very good at dancing, and Tony is totally crap. He prefers to drink beer.

Virginia Romero & Jen

The Birthday Cake - Another Long Island Jen?

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