Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Disasterous Start to Tony's Soccer Season - May 22nd 2011

Tony was asked by a friend if he would like to play for a Sunday Soccer team. Tony has not really played since High school but thought it would be a great opportunity to get back in shape and have fun at the same time. He had a Mini Tournament last week-end to get some practice in and realized how out of shape he was. Tony still thought he was the great Right Midfield player of years ago, but now about 50 lbs. heavier the fitness was not there so he ended up playing in Defence.

Anyhow, the first proper game of the season today. GO Wolfpack (Tony's team) v RAD.
10 minutes into the game, Tony gets tackled from behind, goes down, and when he gets to his feet, he can't put any weight down on his right foot. It's the end of his game - off to Urgent Care & a couple of hours later he leaves on crutches, cast on his right ankle and a suspected torn Achilles Tendon.


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