Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Visit from David Selawski - May 19th 2011

Jen has 7 cousins, and all but 2 live fairly locally. David Selawski lives in Maryland on the East coast. He is married with 4 grown up kids. Our wedding was the first time Jen had seen David in over 10 years. However he was in California on business this week and went over to Jen's Mom & Dad's house this evening for dinner. Jen took the opportunity to go over and see him along with Lynn Selawski (David's sister/Jen's cousin). Lynn lives in Orange County.

 Jen with her Cousins - Lynn & David Selawski


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