Us & The Kids - August 2009

Us & The Kids - August 2009
At Home !! - Jen, Jake, Tony & Josh - August 09

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Surgery Day for Tony - May 26th 2011

Tony was booked in for 10.30 at the Inland Valley Medical Center in Wildomar. We have to say the Nurses & Doctors today were fantastic, and he was well taken care of. The operation lasted about 45 minutes and it was confirmed that he had completely torn the tendon. Basically it had to be sewn back together and a partial cast put on the foot. 
In 2 weeks he will have the stitches removed, and a full cast put on the foot for a further 4 weeks. No weight allowed on the foot during this period, and no driving !! - That should be fun considering what he does for a living. Then he will wear a special boot, and gradually start to put pressure back on the foot until he is able to walk fully again with full weight bearing. Unfortunately its a long process to heal an achilles tear but hey..what can you do?. In the mean time he has Nurse Jen taking very good care of him :)

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